Saturday, January 18, 2014

Do I have to?

As a child, hanging out the washing was a job I particularly disliked being asked to do. It took longer than emptying the dishwasher and meant you had to go outside, even if it was cold and you wanted to keep watching TV, or you just really couldn't be bothered. It's still a chore now, in that it cannot be left undone, but it's one I seem to increasingly enjoy. 
When I walked into the room at the Tate Modern and saw Mira Schendel's work 'Little Train' (above, top image), I immediately thought of washing hanging on a line. 
confronted with our limits
'the visibility of the invisible'
always comforting to know you've 'read' it right, although really, in this instance the idea is not particularly obscured. 
the idea, as i immediately saw it, was of impermanence, frailty.

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